6 • Distant Systems

Distant Systems

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Audiobook: 1 minute

An artists visualization of Proxima Centauri B, a potentially habitable exoplanet
An artists visualization of Proxima Centauri B, a potentially habitable exoplanet. Source: ESO / M. Kornmesser / dpa (opens in a new tab)


What lies beyond our solar system? Is there as much opportunity for life to grow as we think there is? Do we have cosmic neighbors and what do their worlds look like? Questions like these and their respective answers are what we will be looking at in this chapter. We will find more than you'd think.


In this chapter, we will learn about...

  • The Trappist System and it's habitability
  • Tidally locked planets that may be habitable only on one side
  • Water worlds that might be an oasis for life
  • The Proxima Centauri System and it's planets
  • New discoveries within the Proxima Centauri System
  • Recently invoked missions to Proxima Centauri
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